Parktown Residence Pricing
Price List is Coming Soon
Parktown Residence Pricing | Guide prices will be released nearer to preview dates.
Parktown Residence Pricing is to be advised but do check back for the latest price update once we have it from our pricing department.
Design and layout of Parktown Residence are very efficient and suited for either investors or families.
Book your appointment and view our beautiful showflat and find out why Parktown Residence condo is and will be your best option.
Unit Type | Sqft | No. of Units | Starting Price | Maintenance Fee (Monthly) |
1 Bedroom + Study | 463-506 | 73 | TBA | TBA |
2 Bedroom | 592 | 160 | TBA | TBA |
2 Bedroom Premium | 678-721 | 292 | TBA | TBA |
2 Bedroom Premium + Study | 764 | 134 | TBA | TBA |
3 Bedroom | 926-947 | 135 | TBA | TBA |
3 Bedroom Premium | 1055-1076 | 158 | TBA | TBA |
3 Bedroom Premium + Study | 1163-1184 | 115 | TBA | TBA |
4 Bedroom | 1335-1356 | 57 | TBA | TBA |
4 Bedroom Premium | 1485-1496 | 47 | TBA | TBA |
5 Bedroom | 1679 | 22 | TBA | TBA |
Total | 1,193 |
(Disclaimer: All price range of each unit type for Parktown Residence displayed here are updated periodically. However, it is strictly for reference purposes only. Prices are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. This webpage cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions and/or dispute.)
Check out Parktown Residence Balance Units Chart now to grab your unit and be able to take advantage of discounts and promos available!
Parktown Residence – Where you choose to live, is equally as important as what your lifestyle will be when you are living there.